Montfort Sadan, Hirekerur: The Sacred Heart Church is situated at Buradikatti in Hirekerur taluka in Belgaum Diocese.
We the Montfort Missionaries began our mission in this place in the year 1999. Hirekerur is a taluk in Haveri district in Karnataka. The total population of this taluka is 231115 and 50043 households. In Buradikatti village alone 332 houses and 1587 people out this 15 families are of Christians of having a total of 66 people along with a Convent comprising 6 sisters and the residence of Montfort Missionaries.
The Sacred Heart Church has a tradition of celebrating the birthday of Mother Mary in the following way. We began our Novena on 20th August 2019. We take the statue of Mother Mary to every house. We have Rosary, Word God, reflections, intercessory prayers and then we leave to our houses. Following day again we go and take the statue to next house. In the end, the statue is brought to the Church.
We celebrated the feast on 6th September having Rosary at 6 pm followed by Eucharist. The Eucharist is solemnized by Fr. Jeson Antony smm. It was a wonderful celebration. May the birthday of Mother Mary bring us Joy and Peace throughout the coming year.
Fr Jerome Gonsalves smm